Building An Authentic Workplace: W. Wayne Diversity & Inclusion Experience 2023
The Livonia Chamber continues its leadership with promoting inclusion in the workplace and community with the annual Western Wayne Diversity and Inclusion Experience. The Chamber continues to provide valuable trainings for all professionals by welcoming entrepreneur, educator, media contributor and professional speaker, Mark S. Lee. His presentation will involve next-level discussions; including special guest: Fox 2 Detroit's Roop Raj, recognizing our implicit biases can help create a workplace where we can express our authentic self while sharpening our listening so we can respect others and their authentic selves. All of this leads to a productive work environment for all.
The program begins with lunch and networking followed by Mark’s presentation, interactive conversations, and helpful challenges to take back to the workplace.
Date and Time
Thursday Sep 7, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM EDT
Thursday, September 7
Doors Open 11:30 AM
Lunch & Networking: 11:45 AM
Program & Presentation: 12:15 PM
Event Ends: 1:30 PM
Embassy Suites Hotel
19525 Victor Parkway, Livonia 48152
$50 per Member
$400 per Table of 8
$1,000 Table Sponsor; includes table of eight with company logo on display and included in program and presentation
Registration Closes August 23